Available data Protein details
Targeting drugs
There are no targeting drug values currently assigned.
The protein is currently assigned to 3 databases.
# Database Links
HGNC Details
Ensembl Details
NCBI Details
The protein is currently assigned to 11 values.
# Data Value Internal External
HGNC ID 13850 Details Details
HGNC Symbol ZSCAN12P1 Details -
HGNC Name zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 12 pseudogene 1 Details -
HGNC Alias dJ313I6.7 Details -
HGNC Alias ZNF187p1 Details -
HGNC Alias ZNF305P1 Details -
HGNC Alias ZNF96L1 Details -
HGNC Alias ZNF96P1 Details -
HGNC Alias ZSCAN12L1 Details -
Ensembl ID ENSG00000219891 Details Details
NCBI ID 221584 Details Details
The protein is currently assigned to 1 interaction.
# Interaction Type Links
SETDB1 - ZSCAN12P1 Target Details
There are no protein collections currently assigned.