Analyses Create analysis
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In order to create an analysis, the set of target proteins needs to be specified, optionally together with a set of preferred input proteins. All specified proteins must appear in the corresponding network. The analysis will be defined and started in the background, and its results can be afterwards inspected.
Input here the general details of the new analysis.
The name of the new analysis.
The description of the new analysis. This field is optional.
The analysis will use the network Demo network - ACSN 2.0 Master - Protein-Protein Interactions, imported from Ndexbio. If you would like to choose a different network, you can navigate to its corresponding page. You can find all of the public networks here.
View network
Source data
Select here the methods in which the source proteins (to be used as preferred control inputs) will be provided. This is optional, and no option needs to be selected.
Target data
Select here the methods in which the target proteins will be provided. At least one option needs to be selected.
Target proteins 0
Input here the identifiers of the target proteins to be used by the new analysis.
The target proteins to be used by the new analysis. The data can also be uploaded from a file; in this case, the file content will appear, unchanged, above.