Networks Download networks
Please select a file format, then click the button to download the listed network in a ZIP archive . The available file formats are:
  • Text, which contains the list of interactions in the network as pairs of proteins. This file can be used to directly specify the interactions when uploading a network in the application.
  • SIF, which contains the list of interactions in the network as pairs of proteinss, together with the type of the relationship between them. This file can be imported directly into Cytoscape .
  • Cytoscape.js JSON, which contains the network data required for visualization. This file can be imported directly into Cytoscape , where it can be used together with the available style file .
  • Cytoscape CX, which contains the network data required for exchanging networks within diverse services while preserving all network-related information. This file can be imported directly into NDEx , or into Cytoscape , where it can be used together with the available style file .
  • JSON, which contains the complete network data, including the network details and the list of proteins and interactions in the network.
  • Excel, which contains the complete network data, including the network details and the list of proteins and interactions in the network.
# Network Links
Network1 Details