Available data Protein details
Targeting drugs
There are no targeting drug values currently assigned.
The protein is currently assigned to 5 databases.
# Database Links
HGNC Details
Ensembl Details
UniProt Details
NCBI Details
InnateDB Details
The protein is currently assigned to 10 values.
# Data Value Internal External
HGNC ID 18363 Details Details
HGNC Symbol IFNL1 Details -
HGNC Name interferon lambda 1 Details -
HGNC Alias IL29 Details -
HGNC Alias IL-29 Details -
Ensembl ID ENSG00000182393 Details Details
UniProt ID Q8IU54 Details Details
UniProt Title IFNL1_HUMAN Details -
NCBI ID 282618 Details Details
InnateDB ID 50119 Details Details