Available data Protein details
Targeting drugs
There are no targeting drug values currently assigned.
The protein is currently assigned to 5 databases.
# Database Links
HGNC Details
Ensembl Details
UniProt Details
NCBI Details
InnateDB Details
The protein is currently assigned to 13 values.
# Data Value Internal External
HGNC ID 5964 Details Details
HGNC Symbol IL10RA Details -
HGNC Name interleukin 10 receptor subunit alpha Details -
HGNC Alias CD210 Details -
HGNC Alias CD210a Details -
HGNC Alias CDW210A Details -
HGNC Alias HIL-10R Details -
HGNC Alias IL10R Details -
Ensembl ID ENSG00000110324 Details Details
UniProt ID Q13651 Details Details
UniProt Title I10R1_HUMAN Details -
NCBI ID 3587 Details Details
InnateDB ID 73419 Details Details
The protein is currently assigned to 76 interactions.
# Interaction Type Links
IL10RA - CDS2 Source Details
IL10RA - PKP4 Source Details
IL10RA - ARMC6 Source Details
IL10RA - RAP1GDS1 Source Details
IL10RA - NIPAL4 Source Details
IL10RA - ARMC1 Source Details
IL10RA - JUP Source Details
GATA2 - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - PLPP6 Source Details
IL10RA - FOXP3 Source Details
ARVCF - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - TYK2 Source Details
IL10RA - CD302 Source Details
IL10RA - CMTM3 Source Details
IDE - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - APC2 Source Details
IL10RA - KPNA6 Source Details
IL10RA - STAT3 Source Details
GYPA - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - IL10RB Source Details
IL10RA - VAMP5 Source Details
IL10RA - SPAG6 Source Details
IL10RA - KRT17 Source Details
IL10RA - ARMC8 Source Details
CTNNB1 - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - KPNA2 Source Details
IL10RA - KPNA7 Source Details
IL10RA - IL10 Source Details
IL10RA - UQCRC1 Source Details
IL10RA - HACD1 Source Details
IL10RA - SLC30A2 Source Details
IL10RA - KPNB1 Source Details
IL10RA - RUSF1 Source Details
IL10RA - PKP3 Source Details
IL22 - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - SMCO4 Source Details
IL10RA - NRDC Source Details
IL10RA - SELENOK Source Details
IL10RA - KPNA1 Source Details
JAK1 - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - TMUB2 Source Details
IL10RA - KPNA5 Source Details
IL10RA - BTRC Source Details
CTNND2 - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - C1QL4 Source Details
IL10RA - UBC Source Details
IL10RA - JAK1 Source Details
IL10RA - PKP2 Source Details
IL10RA - IL10RA Source Details
IL10RA - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - HACD2 Source Details
IL10RA - ANKAR Source Details
IL10RA - PMPCB Source Details
IL10RA - PKP1 Source Details
IL10RA - KPNA4 Source Details
IL10RA - PITRM1 Source Details
IL10RA - JAK2 Source Details
IL10RA - YIPF6 Source Details
GATA1 - IL10RA Target Details
IFNAR2 - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - ARMC3 Source Details
IL10RA - TMEM60 Source Details
IL10RA - SLC7A14 Source Details
TYK2 - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - SLC66A2 Source Details
IL10RA - KPNA3 Source Details
IL10 - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - TMEM242 Source Details
APC - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - ARMC7 Source Details
IL10RA - SLC38A7 Source Details
IL10RA - UQCRC2 Source Details
IL10RA - PMPCA Source Details
ATP6V0C - IL10RA Target Details
IL10RA - MAL Source Details
CTNND1 - IL10RA Target Details
The protein is currently assigned to 34 collections.
# Collection Links
Mutated genes for cell-line HTCC3 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line CP50EBV Details
Mutated genes for cell-line SBC3 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line 5637 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line LN18 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line KYAE1 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line VMRCLCD Details
Mutated genes for cell-line SKMM2 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line SNU466 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line NCIH810 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line OMM1 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line VMRCMELG Details
Mutated genes for cell-line OPM2 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line CAOV3 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line LN215 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line NCIH2023 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line CCLFPEDS0008T Details
Mutated genes for cell-line TUHR4TKB Details
Mutated genes for cell-line C10 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line ECC10 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line NCIH28 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line HSKTC Details
Mutated genes for cell-line NCIH1836 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line UHO1 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line T3M4 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line A375 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line HTMMT Details
Mutated genes for cell-line SNU449 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line CP50MELB Details
Mutated genes for cell-line SNU601 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line EHEB Details
Mutated genes for cell-line OVCA420 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line CW9019 Details
Mutated genes for cell-line OPM1 Details